The Best Spider Pest Control Service in Hooksett
Getting Rid of Hooksett’s Nasty Creepy-Crawlies Once and For All
Spiders have a way of being cute, ugly, and scary all at the same time. They truly are fascinating creatures (not insects, mind you) who have evolved to perfection over millions of years to be dynamic killing machines.
While on one hand, this is a great thing, for without spiders, we may possibly be overrun with insects, poisonous spiders can harm humans, most often accidentally. Plus, waking up in the middle of the night, turning on the light, and seeing a big spider crawl across the floor can be downright disturbing and can almost cause a heart attack.
Anchor Pest Services offers the best pest control services, including spider pest control, throughout Hooksett. With a reputation for supreme service and results, our pest control company is prompt, professional, and polite, using safe, yet effective, pesticides that are eco-friendly and won’t harm Fido, Fluffy, or your kids. Contact us today for a pest control consultation!
Give us a call at (603)785-0118 or contact us online to schedule your free inspection.
Spiders are hundreds of millions of years old, having appeared at least 300 million years ago. They are perfectly adapted to whatever environment they live in, having settled on every continent except Antarctica. At latest count, there are at least48,200 different kinds of spider species on this diverse planet of ours. It is estimated that there are 25 million tons of spiders (yes, that’s tons, not numbers) and they rid the earth of between400-800 million tons of prey (the vast majority of this being insects) every year.
Almost every ancient known culture had spider myths, such as Arachne of ancient Greece fame who made the mistake of challenging the goddess Minerva to a weaving contest. When Arachne beat Minerva, the goddess became enraged and beat her. Arachne then hung herself out of shame. Minerva, feeling guilty for what she did, then turned Arachne into a spider. Spiders today are of the order Araneae, their name taken from Arachne’s name.
Anchor Pest Services offers the best pest control services throughout New Hampshire and NE Massachusetts. From spider pest control and mice control to ant and insect control, we have all of your residential pest control needs covered. We are constantly raising the bar for pest control services, offering family and pet-friendly pesticides that won’t harm anything but the pests. Below, we’ll go over some of the reasons to rid your home of spiders and the benefits of spider pest control services in Hooksett. Contact us for a pest control estimate today!
Reasons to Eliminate Spiders From Your Home
Spiders Bite
Almost all spiders use venom to stun their prey so that they can then kill them. Luckily, there are only a few with venom powerful enough to kill humans (the brown recluse spiders and the black widow spider are the biggest culprits here in the United States). However, all spiders will bite, and all of us will have a different reaction to spider bites than someone else. These bites can be painful and can cause welts or abrasions on your skin. Some may even need to be seen by a doctor if they last more than a few days. Thus, inside your home, you should treat all spiders as if they were your mortal enemies.
Spiders Spin Webs
The vast majority of spiders spin webs to catch their prey. Spider webs are made from silk that spiders produce inside their bodies. Pound for pound spider web silk is stronger than steel, perfectly created to ensure that once a prey gets stuck, it is not escaping. However, like all creatures, spiders don’t clean up after themselves, so when they die or they move on, they leave their webs behind. Being extremely sticky, these webs then collect dust and pollen and can exacerbate upper respiratory conditions, such as asthma. Furthermore, spider webs in corners are just unsightly.